Why we should be your inspection comapany?
Tailored inspections & personal database
Our devoted quality experts will identify your product's needs in order to build the perfect inspection questionnaire. Whether it's our sprint, standard, deep or full-pack inspection, you will find the best solution that suits you and your product and get a friendly and coz(e)y service. In addition, very client of ours gets an online personal database that contains all previous inspection statistics and makes comparing data easy and comfortable. |
Maximum efficiency
The innovative AI based system we developed operates on the technician's phone as he feeds the data directly into the summary report. This saves a significant amount of time compared to working on paper report and enables us to inspect the largest amount of products per man day than any other QA company. In addition to that, the system is monitored by regional operations managers who supervise the technicians' work in the factories and make sure there's no room for biased results and time waste. |
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