Product quality inspections.Product inspections allow you to verify product quality on site at different stages of the production process and prior to its dispatch.
Our inspections are built and carried out according to your specific requirements, and present you with the most recent data about the product at it's current production stage. |
Your kind of inspection
Every product has it's unique set of specifications and therefore needs to be inspected according to different parameters.
Coze's team is here to help you decide which inspection will provide the most relevant information you need to know about you product.
The live inspection report can be seen on a special page on our system; it is being updated during the inspection and presents accurate statistical analysis of inspection findings.
Coze's team is here to help you decide which inspection will provide the most relevant information you need to know about you product.
The live inspection report can be seen on a special page on our system; it is being updated during the inspection and presents accurate statistical analysis of inspection findings.
Professional testersOur inspectors are taught and trained through our unique platform so they know which quality problems are common for each type of material or product.
Apart from that, our questionnaires are built with measurable questions, and our regional managers supervise the inspectors’ work through our innovative system in order to make sure every question is answered in a proper way. |
Our testers document each and every product, and the data is automatically fed into the report.This gives you a complete and accurate presentation of the quality examination findings. That way you are assured that our report does not contain misleading results intended to represent a larger inspected quantity than the one that was actually achieved.
EfficiencyThe traditional test process involves papers, calculations and scanning, and can take up to 3 days, which makes the report irrelevant to the current stage of production.
With Coze, the technicians are checking and photographing the product simultaneously, feeding the data directly to the summary report, so you get statistics that match reality and allow you to contact the supplier immediately in case of a problem. |
Comfort In Coze, you get seamlessly tailored inspections, and a state of the art personal database that contains all of your previous reports, written just the way you like them. There is no need to download outdated and unclear PDF files. You can just sit on your couch with your laptop and feel present at the factory. Our professional team is available to assist with any question and provide the required info ASAP.